Timothy Mensch, Developer in Lafayette, CO, United States
Timothy is available for hire
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Timothy Mensch

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Code Architecture Developer

Lafayette, CO, United States
Toptal Member Since
August 5, 2020

Tim is a senior software architect/engineer generalist. He has built the technology stack for multiple startups from the ground up. 蒂姆也有营救项目和将火车残骸转化为成功发射的经验. He has worked in many domains, including retail, banking, the Internet of Things, high-performance servers, machine learning, gamification, and scalable application server design. He has worked with cloud servers from AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.


NPM, SQL, API Architecture, Terraform, Cross-platform...
QuickCharge Games
Cross-platform, OpenGL, DirectX, Socket.IO, 3D Games, 2D Games, iPhone SDK...
SQL, Cross-platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Serverless, Bluetooth...




Preferred Environment

TypeScript,数据库,Git, Redis, PostgreSQL, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Node.js, HTTP, GitHub

The most amazing...

...我完成的工作包括在一个几乎不能工作的系统中重写数千行代码, producing a more robust architecture without breaking the system.

Work Experience


2017 - PRESENT
  • 帮助许多客户创建适合其确切业务需求的定制技术堆栈. 将客户从阻碍其业务发展的代码灾难中解救出来.
  • 设计了一个API,使公司能够在不需要大量技术支持的情况下集成客户的技术, saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in support requests.
  • 为物联网项目开发后端,其架构旨在为客户节省每月数千美元的托管成本, 将他们的基础设施费用降低到他们的商业计划可以盈利的程度.
  • 为一家大型跨国公司创建了一个复杂的销售管理流程自动化工具,这将节省他们在销售分配过程中的时间和金钱.
Technologies: NPM, SQL, API Architecture, Terraform, Cross-platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Serverless, Bluetooth, CTO, AWS Lambda, Socket.IO, Express.js, TypeScript, Web Architecture, JavaScript, Databases, REST APIs, Git, Software Consulting, Security, C++, Back-end, Redis, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Kubernetes, Docker, Google Cloud, ETL, GraphQL, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Prisma, React, Architecture, React Native, Leadership, Linux, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Delphi, Code Architecture, Code Auditing, Technical Consulting, Technical Architecture, CRUD, Full-stack, Technical Leadership, GitHub, Product Strategy, Software Architecture, Estimations, Apollo, SDKs, C#


2010 - PRESENT
QuickCharge Games
  • 开发了一款Android/iOS跨平台游戏,下载量超过100万次,累计收集了4个.4 star rating.
  • Converted an iOS game (NinJump) to Android for Backflip Studios.
  • 创建了一个跨平台游戏引擎,用于三款游戏,并被授权用于一个非游戏项目.
Technologies: Cross-platform, OpenGL, DirectX, Socket.IO, 3D Games, 2D Games, iPhone SDK, Android OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Game Tools Development, Game Development, Game Design, Android NDK, Android SDK, Docker, Babylon.js, 3D Graphics, Three.js, 3D, Code Architecture, Technical Consulting, Technical Architecture, Low-level Programming, Full-stack, GitHub, Product Strategy, Software Architecture, Estimations, Gaming Platforms, SDKs, Desktop, Unity

Senior Consultant

2015 - 2015
  • Created three cross-platform iOS/Android mobile applications using Ionic/Cordova, Bluetooth LE libraries, and Angular.
  • Fixed bugs and improved performance in an existing Polymer-based application.
  • Mentored staff in Ionic, Cordova, Angular, and Node.js programming and source control practices.
  • 修复了一个基于IoT arduino项目中的代码,以修复其逻辑,使其能够与我开发的移动应用程序可靠地工作.
  • 使用Python/Flask创建了一个简单的API来支持我开发的几个Ionic/Cordova应用程序.
技术:SQL、跨平台、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、无服务器、蓝牙、Express.js, TypeScript, Web Architecture, Databases, REST APIs, Software Consulting, Security, C++, Back-end, Arduino, Android, iOS, Bluetooth LE, Angular, Flask, Python, Cordova, Ionic, Node.js, Leadership, Linux, Embedded Systems, Embedded C++, Embedded C, Embedded Linux, Code Architecture, Code Auditing, Technical Consulting, Technical Architecture, CRUD, Low-level Programming, Camera API, Full-stack, Technical Leadership, GitHub, Software Architecture, Estimations, SDKs

Interim CTO

2015 - 2015
GoSkip Inc
  • Led a development team to rebuild the core technology for SKIP from the ground up.
  • Created a cross-platform iOS/Android app, an optimized full-stack server infrastructure, a robust connection to a point-of-sale system, and a custom-designed hardware product.
  • Hired and managed the teams involved for all of the components, and I designed the architecture to be resilient and to minimize long term costs.
  • Mentored new developers, and reviewed code for quality and security.
  • 就如何最好地利用技术将产品尽快推向市场向首席执行官提供建议.
Technologies: SQL, API Architecture, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CTO, Express.js, Web Architecture, JavaScript, Databases, REST APIs, Git, Software Consulting, Back-end, Internet of Things (IoT), iOS, Android, Node.js, Architecture, Leadership, Linux, Embedded Systems, Embedded C++, Embedded C, Embedded Linux, Code Architecture, Code Auditing, Technical Consulting, Technical Architecture, CRUD, Machine Learning, Firmware, Low-level Programming, Full-stack, Technical Leadership, GitHub, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Software Architecture, Estimations, SDKs, C#

Software Development Engineer III

2013 - 2015
  • Led the development of an Android client for Amazon’s service AppStream.
  • 重构了示例代码,以便在所有支持的平台上共享大部分代码, and simplified the example to enable easier adoption/modification by the customer.
  • 帮助创建AppStream Unity插件,使AppStream可以用于基于Unity的游戏.
  • 帮助重组项目文档,使用户指南能够交叉引用参考资料的链接.
  • Worked with WebRTC technology to stream video from servers to web clients.
  • 直接帮助AppStream客户将其产品整合到Android平台.
  • 开发整个团队使用的工具,以改进源代码控制工作流和整个项目的版本控制(使用Git).
Technologies: Microservices, SQL, C, API Architecture, ICE, TURN (Traversal Using Relay Around NAT), STUN, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web Architecture, JavaScript, REST APIs, Git, Security, C++, Go, Python, Node.js, Android NDK, Android SDK, Linux, Code Architecture, Technical Consulting, Technical Architecture, CRUD, Full-stack, GitHub, Estimations, SDKs, Unity, C#

Cardinal Peak

2012 - 2013
Senior Consultant
  • 开发的软件运行在一个基于linux的相机,可以流视频到移动应用程序使用STUN/TURN/ICE防火墙穿孔.
  • 领导了一个嵌入式设备的开发,使用Android作为其操作系统,Arduino作为看门狗,并与外围设备接口.
  • Worked directly with multiple clients as their primary point of contact.
Technologies: C, ICE, TURN (Traversal Using Relay Around NAT), STUN, Git, Software Consulting, C++, Back-end, Arduino, Video Streaming, Android, Linux, Embedded Systems, Embedded C++, Embedded C, Embedded Linux, Code Architecture, Technical Consulting, WebRTC, Firmware, GitHub, Estimations, SDKs

IoT High Volume Data Collection Back End


When I was hired, the current infrastructure was buckling under a minimal load; the company hadn't even scaled up to full capacity and it was already failing. I reworked the architecture to be such that their server costs would be low, which was critical to support their market price point, 与他们最初要求我使用的方法相比,每月为他们节省了数千美元. This cost savings enabled their business model to be profitable.

The design also relied as much as possible on managed services, so that their ongoing IT expenses were minimized.

Internal Sales Process Automation Software


这个项目是一个挑战,因为公司里没有一个人了解销售流程的所有方面. We understood this going in, 我创造了一个非常灵活的设计,能够随着客户的新需求而快速变化.

The sales process rules were also quite complex. An organic process that had evolved over the years, it was adapted well to humans but not as well to digital logic. After we worked out a consistent algorithm the computer could apply reliably, the resulting algorithm enforced three dimensions of constraints (time, sales hierarchy levels, and sales people) for every item in their catalog. 该设计经过了良好的测试,并被测试广泛覆盖,以确保其按照要求运行.

事实是,一个对遵循它的人来说似乎很简单的过程,在编码到软件中时可能就不那么简单了. 我的部分专长是将这样的算法提炼成其组成部分,并确保它能够随着项目和用户需求的扩展和发展.

SaaS Project


As the product has a free tier, it was imperative that the incremental cost-per-user was as low as possible. 我以这样一种方式设计和实现了核心架构,即最小化他们正在进行的服务器成本,同时允许通过添加附加功能来轻松扩展它,这些功能将增加一些客户愿意支付的价值.

The system we created was able to run at an extremely low cost per user ($0.012/用户/月),使公司能够快速扩展并向高级用户收取合理的费率.


Node.js, Socket.IO, REST APIs, DirectX, OpenGL, React, Babylon.js, Three.js, WebRTC, Camera API, Cache API, OpenGL ES, Android OpenGL


Android NDK, Git, NPM, Prisma, GitHub, Terraform, TURN(通过中继绕过NAT进行遍历)


Express.js, Tailwind CSS, React Native, Next.js, OAuth 2, Android SDK, Ionic, Flask, Angular, iPhone SDK, Unity


TypeScript, C++, JavaScript, SQL, GraphQL, C, Assembly Language, Embedded C++, Embedded C, C#, Go, Python, Delphi


API Architecture, Cross-platform, Web Architecture, REST, CRUD, Desktop App Development, Microservices, Microservices Architecture, Lambda Architecture, ETL


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Desktop, Kubernetes, Azure, Android, Docker, Linux, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Embedded Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), iOS, Bluetooth LE, Arduino, Firebase


PostgreSQL, Redis Cache, Redis, Databases, Relational Databases, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Google Cloud, MongoDB, MySQL, Amazon DynamoDB


Technical Leadership, Cloud Services, Code Architecture, Mobile Apps, Software Consulting, Code Auditing, Infrastructure, Games, Game Development, 2D Games, 3D Games, Game Design, Back-end, Security, Caching, APIs, Architecture, 3D Graphics, 3D, Technical Consulting, Technical Architecture, Firmware, Low-level Programming, Full-stack, Product Strategy, Software Architecture, Estimations, Gaming Platforms, SDKs, Bluetooth, Video Streaming, Streaming Data, AWS Cloud Architecture, Cloud Architecture, CTO, Mobile Analytics, Scaling, Hardware Drivers, Technical Product Management, Serverless, Containerization, Leadership, Embedded Systems, HTTP, Machine Learning, Project Planning, Internet of Things (IoT), Cordova, STUN, ICE, Game Tools Development, Apollo

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