Khachatur Hambardzumyan,芬兰赫尔辛基的开发者
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Khachatur Hambardzumyan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Android Developer

Helsinki, Finland
Toptal Member Since
June 27, 2022

Khachatur拥有六年多的Android开发专业经验. 他曾在大大小小的团队中参与过各种项目,并在Google Play Store上发布了十多个应用程序. Khachatur设计过复杂的软件系统,做过用户体验设计、DevOps等等. 他喜欢编程,就像喜欢学习新技术和算法一样.


Android, Kotlin, Java, Hilt, Git, Android Studio, api,卡支付...
Android, Kotlin, Java, Jenkins, CircleCI, Android Studio, api, Card Payments...
Android, Kotlin, Java, OpenGL, Git, Asana, Android Studio, api...




Preferred Environment

Android, Kotlin, Java, Jenkins, CircleCI, Git, API Documentation

The most amazing...

...我开发了一个叫Zedge的手机个性化应用, 它的活跃用户超过3000万.

Work Experience

Lead Android Developer

2021 - PRESENT
  • 开发Zadaa二手时尚平台的Android版本.
  • 将现有应用从自定义DI迁移到Hilt,这提高了应用的性能.
  • 为Zadaa服务实现了一个新的订阅特性.
Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Java, Hilt, Git, Android Studio, api,卡支付, Android Architecture Components, Jira, Firebase, Android SDK, Firebase Android SDK, Android Jetpack, Gradle, Mobile Apps, Architecture, Unit Testing, JSON, REST APIs, JSON REST APIs, REST, User Permissions, PostgreSQL, User Interface (UI), Code Review, Source Code Review, Task Analysis, IntelliJ IDEA, Mobile Development, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), API Integration, Figma, Google Play Store, Mobile, Mobile App Development, Jetpack Compose, System Architecture, Agile, GPS, Google Location API, Cellular, WiFi, Push Notifications, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB

Senior Android Developer

2019 - 2021
  • 参与过各种移动项目, 包括芬兰冰球联盟应用程序, Iltalehti news Android app, Eckero Line, and more.
  • 负责新应用程序开发,重构和升级现有应用程序,维护遗留系统.
  • 使用各种CI/CD工具管理大多数项目的自动化和部署.
Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Java, Jenkins, CircleCI, Android Studio, api, Card Payments, Android Architecture Components, Jira, Firebase, Hilt, Android SDK, Firebase Android SDK, Gradle, GraphQL, Docker, JavaScript, Mobile Apps, Architecture, RxJava, Unit Testing, JSON, REST APIs, JSON REST APIs, REST, API Design, Back-end, User Permissions, Encryption, User Interface (UI), Sports, GitHub, GitHub Actions, Code Review, Source Code Review, Technical Hiring, Interviewing, Task Analysis, IntelliJ IDEA, HTML, SQL, Mobile Development, RxJava 2, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), API Integration, Relational Databases, Figma, Google Play Store, Mobile, CI/CD Pipelines, Databases, Mobile App Development, System Architecture, Agile, Location Services, GPS, Google Location API, Cellular, WiFi, Push Notifications

Android Developer

2018 - 2019
  • 开发Zedge Android应用,日活跃用户约100万.
  • 实现了使用OpenGL进行图像处理的照片编辑功能和图像过滤器.
  • 将应用程序的新身份验证层作为一个单独的模块实现.
Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Java, OpenGL, Git, Asana, Android Studio, api, Android Architecture Components, Firebase, Android SDK, Firebase Android SDK, Gradle, Mobile Apps, Architecture, RxJava, Unit Testing, JSON, REST APIs, JSON REST APIs, REST, User Permissions, User Interface (UI), GitHub, Code Review, Source Code Review, Task Analysis, IntelliJ IDEA, Mobile Development, RxJava 2, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), API Integration, Google Play Store, Mobile, CI/CD Pipelines, Databases, Mobile App Development, System Architecture, Agile, Location Services, GPS, Google Location API, Cellular, WiFi, Push Notifications, SDKs

Android Developer

2018 - 2018
  • 参与Android版本的Pipedrive销售客户关系管理(CRM).
  • 开发功能,修复错误,维护和部署软件.
  • 实现了一个新的feed功能,仅适用于移动版本.
Technologies: Android, Jenkins, Amplitude, Firebase, Git, Android Studio, APIs, Android Architecture Components, Jira, Android SDK, Firebase Android SDK, Gradle, Docker, Mobile Apps, Architecture, RxJava, Unit Testing, JSON, REST APIs, JSON REST APIs, REST, User Permissions, User Interface (UI), GitHub, Code Review, Source Code Review, IntelliJ IDEA, SQL, Mobile Development, RxJava 2, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), API Integration, Relational Databases, Google Play Store, Mobile, CI/CD Pipelines, Databases, Mobile App Development, System Architecture, Agile, Location Services, GPS, Google Location API, Cellular, WiFi, Push Notifications

Software Engineer

2016 - 2018
Devolon | Formerly Neocard
  • 参与过各种项目,包括网络、移动和嵌入式系统.
  • 负责新功能开发、bug修复和系统维护.
  • 与客户直接沟通,现场测试产品.
Technologies: Android, Laravel, Java, Python, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Android Studio, Sockets, APIs, Online Payments, Card Payments, Jira, Firebase, Android SDK, Firebase Android SDK, Gradle, JavaScript, Mobile Apps, Architecture, Unit Testing, JSON, REST APIs, JSON REST APIs, REST, API Design, API Documentation, Back-end, C++, User Permissions, Encryption, Data Compression, User Interface (UI), GitHub, Code Review, Source Code Review, IntelliJ IDEA, Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), HTML, PHP, SQL, Mobile Development, WebSockets, API Integration, Spring Boot, Relational Databases, Google Play Store, Mobile, Databases, Mobile App Development, System Architecture, Agile, Location Services, GPS, Google Location API, Cellular, WiFi, Push Notifications, Back-end Development

IT Administrator

2012 - 2014
American University of Armenia
  • 为学生和员工提供广泛的内部应用程序的最高水平的技术支持.
  • 维护和管理一个基于windows的服务器环境.
  • 配置设备和计算机网络,排除技术问题,并实施解决方案.
  • 为VoIP电话提供支持和管理.

Zadaa Android App

Zadaa是一个让二手时装买卖像在网上商店一样简单的市场. 该服务解决了任何市场的三个主要问题:物流、匹配和参与. 我拥有了Android版本的应用程序,并将其从自定义传统DI迁移到Hilt, 哪些显著提高了应用程序的性能. 我还开发了一些新功能,比如新的欧博体育app下载和订阅服务.

Zedge Android是最受欢迎的手机定制应用之一,安装量超过3.5亿次. Initially, 我在一个内部照片编辑器工作, mainly on image filters, 其中包括使用OpenGL进行图像处理. 我也是团队的一员,为应用程序创建了一个新的身份验证层,并对其模块化做出了贡献.

Pipedrive Android App
Pipedrive是一个强大的CRM,可以帮助用户可视化他们的销售流程并完成更多. Android平台的Pipedrive让用户始终处于销售渠道的顶端. 它有助于专注于正确的联系人,并对销售结果有更多的控制.
2015 - 2016



2014 - 2016



2006 - 2010




Android Architecture Components, Sockets, Firebase Android SDK, RxJava, REST APIs, RxJava 2, Google Location API, OpenGL


Jenkins, Git, Android Studio, Gradle, GitHub, IntelliJ IDEA, CircleCI, Jira, Figma, Asana, Android Jetpack


Android SDK, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Spring Boot, Laravel, RenderScript


Kotlin, Java, HTML, SQL, JavaScript, c++, Ruby, PHP, Python, GraphQL


Agile Software Development, Functional Programming, Unit Testing, REST, Mobile Development, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Agile


Android, Firebase, Mobile, Heroku, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda


JSON, PostgreSQL,关系数据库,数据库,MySQL, Redis, Amazon DynamoDB


Software Engineering, Hilt, APIs, Mobile Apps, Architecture, JSON REST APIs, API Design, API Documentation, User Permissions, User Interface (UI), Code Review, Source Code Review, Technical Hiring, Interviewing, Task Analysis, WebSockets, API Integration, Google Play Store, CI/CD Pipelines, Mobile App Development, System Architecture, Location Services, GPS, Mobile Networks, Cellular, WiFi, Push Notifications, SDKs, Computer Science, Amplitude, Online Payments, Card Payments, Back-end, Encryption, Sports, GitHub Actions, Back-end Development, Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Data Mining, Data Modeling, Networking, System Administration, Data Compression, Jetpack Compose

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