Justin Michela,美国马萨诸塞州波士顿的开发人员
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Justin Michela

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Boston, MA, United States
Toptal Member Since
June 26, 2018

Justin is a technical professional with a passion for learning and 18+ years of experience leading teams to build enterprise-grade distributed applications that solve real-world problems. 贾斯汀坚信,企业的各个方面都需要合作, from development to marketing to sales, is required to succeed in this endeavor.


Fidelity Investments
架构、咨询、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Java、Node.js, Angular...
Cox Automotive
PagerDuty, Splunk, JavaScript, Ruby, Spring, Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)...
Foureyes Labs
Robot Operating System (ROS), Node.. js, AWS Lambda, c++, C, TensorFlow, Solidity...




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, Docker, Python, Java

The most amazing...

...thing I've coded is a marketing automation engine that took in product info and consumer purchasing data and modeled what best to advertise to which consumers.

Work Experience

Vice President of Architecture

2020 - PRESENT
Fidelity Investments
  • Led the technical direction and implementation for the department in Fidelity that managed the interplay between Fidelity's two main lines of business—personal and workplace investing.
  • Conducted a six-month-long endeavor involving hundreds of people across multiple teams and departments to determine the correct technical direction for the company, 从而形成一个全面的多年计划.
  • Guided the project and managed the teams that opened up alternative investments to high-net-worth and retail investors.
  • 构建了富达加密产品的第一次迭代.
技术:架构、咨询、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Java、Node.js, Angular, Back-end Development, SQL, Apache Kafka, Elasticsearch, Kafka Streams, Amazon DynamoDB, Distributed Systems


2015 - PRESENT
Cox Automotive
  • 获得了一份七位数的合同,使用Adobe Experience Manager重建客户的CMS, defined best practices for its use, 并实现了一个框架,使业务能够迭代到1,000x faster on its marketing initiatives.
  • Created a domain-specific language (DSL) that converted pseudocode and HTML+JavaScript into JSPs and XML that Adobe Experience Manager could understand so new developers could be onboarded 10x faster.
  • Implemented a transaction marker that helped pinpoint the source of issues within their massively distributed, 多团队应用程序基础结构(多语言).
  • Built a throttling system in Java that could be used by any team to throttle HTTP requests based on the responsiveness of the endpoints, and could, therefore, be responsive to increased demand.
Technologies: PagerDuty, Splunk, JavaScript, Ruby, Spring, Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Java, Back-end Development, Freelancing, SQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Distributed Systems

Managing Partner

2015 - PRESENT
Foureyes Labs
  • 对不同客户10万至1000万美元不等的交易进行技术尽职调查.
  • Designed and implemented a rapid-development plan with the goal of testing the revenue potential of at least one new product idea each month, 项目第一年的成功率达到20%.
  • 管理包括税务在内的所有公司财务, budgets, cash flows, 以及开发用于预算和预测的财务模型.
  • 使用Solidity在以太坊区块链上构建了一个分布式彩票应用程序.
  • 利用ROS开发了一个自动驾驶汽车操作系统, C++, Python, TensorFlow赢得了一项竞赛,可以在真实的道路上实施和测试.
技术:机器人操作系统(ROS), Node.. js, AWS Lambda, c++, C, TensorFlow, Solidity, Vue, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Serverless, Spring, Java, Back-end Development, SQL, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB, Distributed Systems

Chief Technology Officer

2020 - 2020
Human Factors, LLC
  • Designed and built the back-end API using NestJS from scratch in just three weeks to be ready for FDA studies.
  • Created local development environments and pipelines using Docker that mirrored production for rapid developer onboarding.
  • 在接下来的8周内,我加入并管理了3名新开发者, 成功交付FDA研究的第二阶段功能.
  • Acted as the product owner, lead architect, 以及后端功能的项目经理, 导致没有已知漏洞的成功发射.
  • 通过实施Sentry,领导了主动错误检测和缓解的工作.io and configuring integrations.
Technologies: MySQL, Docker, TypeScript, NestJS, JavaScript, Back-end Development, Freelancing, SQL, Distributed Systems

Python Developer

2019 - 2020
  • 实现系统以减少应用程序的脆弱性,例如重试逻辑和错误修复.
  • 增强现有API以添加新功能.
  • Migrated an integration from one service to another by swapping out the implementation but maintaining all underlying working functionality.
技术:HubSpot, MySQL, Python,后端开发,自由职业者,SQL,分布式系统

Lead Architect

2018 - 2020
  • 将现有的Excel电子表格移植到web应用程序中,从而实现更好的数据跟踪, sharing, and usability, increasing sales.
  • 与客户一起定义和评估工具的特性和功能.
  • 为应用程序和基础设施创建原始框架.
  • 召集四名团队成员,带领他们完成剩余功能的实现.
  • 为应用程序和团队构建部署和测试管道.
技术:Docker, Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Angular, .. NET, c#,后端开发,自由职业者,SQL, Elasticsearch,分布式系统

Senior Java Developer

2018 - 2020
  • 将遗留功能移植到Azure的云web应用程序中.
  • 实现系统以减少应用程序的脆弱性.
  • 部署系统来维护跨版本应用程序的性能.
Technologies: Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Spring, Java, Back-end Development, Freelancing, SQL, Elasticsearch, Amazon DynamoDB, Distributed Systems

Chief Technology Officer

2018 - 2019
SupPorter, Inc.
  • Built plan for integrations and development required to provide cryptocurrencies as a fundraising option.
  • 运用敏捷方法组建技术团队,精简开发流程.
  • 领导和监督公司所有的技术方向.

Chief of Engineering

2018 - 2019
  • 在公司出售前六个月受聘,目的是协助公司出售, 提高工程团队的质量和效率, reduce development time and costs, streamline business operations, and provide startup M&A experience.
  • 协助公司以超过4000万美元的资产出售,并领导过渡团队.
  • Reduced release cycle time by 60% by implementing automated regression testing focusing on automated deployments.
技术:HTML, JavaScript, Jira, Git, C, SQL,分布式系统

Enterprise Architect

2016 - 2018
Surefire Social
  • Coordinated the integration effort to sell Promio's product offering as an up-sell to Surefire's application suite.
  • Re-architectured queries in PHP and MySQL code to increase performance on the dashboard and other reports.
  • 管理一支由全球5名远程开发人员组成的团队.
Technologies: Python, JavaScript, Angular, React, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, C#, PHP, Back-end Development, Freelancing, SQL, Distributed Systems

Chief Technology Officer

2016 - 2016
  • Led the architecture of a new product line that became the face of the business after only six months.
  • 将业务从计费后转移到计费前,大幅增加现金流.
  • 设计了与三个主要数字广告渠道的双向整合-谷歌, Facebook, and Bing.
  • Helped in the sale of the company to a larger marketing technology company called Surefire Social after only 11 months.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Windows PowerShell, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft SQL Server, .. NET, c#,后端开发,SQL, Elasticsearch, Amazon DynamoDB,分布式系统

Chief Technology Officer

2014 - 2015
m2M Strategies
  • 通过市场调研和互动客户分析指导产品策略.
  • Led two teams of eight engineers, one that managed the technology products and another that reacted to the day-to-day needs of the business.
  • 设计了一个数据集成框架,用于简化客户端登录, 将入职时间缩短10倍.
  • 管理整个组织的所有客户和战略请求的优先级.
  • Implemented a queue-based load leveling communication system to assure high reliability and scale between 13 highly utilized production systems.
Technologies: Python, Go, Windows PowerShell, Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, Java, Microsoft SQL Server, .. NET, c#,后端开发,SQL, Elasticsearch, Amazon DynamoDB,分布式系统

Director of Technology

2014 - 2014
m2M Strategies
  • 将GetOne和m2M的产品集成到一个产品套件中.
  • 管理由6名现场开发人员组成的技术团队.
  • 协调第三方移动应用开发的整合,重新回到公司内部.
  • 实施项目管理工具以提高团队效率并更好地跟踪截止日期.
技术:Windows PowerShell,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, .. NET, c#, Java,后端开发,SQL, Amazon DynamoDB,分布式系统

President and Chief Technology Officer

2012 - 2014
GetOne Rewards
  • 通过竞争和市场分析指导产品策略.
  • 监督所有技术决策和实施.
  • 管理8名开发人员的团队,5名在现场,3名在海外.
  • 使用Amazon AWS基础设施重新设计了web架构.
  • 管理Android和iOS操作系统的第三方移动应用程序开发.
  • 协调和谈判A轮和B轮投资的融资合同.
  • 为公司持续的商业计划和战略做出贡献.
Technologies: Python, iOS, Android, Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Spring, Apache Tomcat, Java, Back-end Development, SQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Distributed Systems

Software Development Engineer

2012 - 2012
  • Built infrastructure through Amazon’s Simple Workflow Service to efficiently process the amortization of 20 million Amazon Prime payments each month.
  • 收集和组织来自组织内不同干系人的项目需求.
  • 编译设计和测试用例文档,以方便继续开发.
Technologies: Workflow, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Hibernate, Java, Back-end Development, SQL, Distributed Systems

Co-founder and Lead Developer

2010 - 2012
GetOne Rewards
  • 管理公司基于技术的业务决策.
  • 确保团队成员产品的简单集成.
  • 从头开始用JDO和SQL构建内部数据库.
  • 构建了50万用户使用的移动设备通信API.
  • 开发Android操作系统的智能手机应用.
  • 协调和协商有限责任公司业主之间的公司组织合同.
  • 参与公司最初的业务和融资计划.
Technologies: Android, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Google App Engine, Apache Tomcat, Java, Back-end Development, SQL, Distributed Systems

Software Engineer

2011 - 2011
  • Built Google Docs plug-in for the publisher portal of the Google Currents application used by thousands of publishers worldwide.
  • Architected and built a versioning system using analogous to A/B testing that facilitated the release of new features in phases to different users.
  • 为Google Docs插件创建了一个Android集成.
技术:BigTable, JavaScript, Android, Java,后端开发,SQL,分布式系统

Teaching Assistant

2009 - 2011
Georgia Institute of Technology
  • 每周教授两次复习课,提高学生对课程材料的认识.
  • 创建程序,以有效地评分提交的家庭作业和项目,快速有效.
  • 维护每学期100多名学生的成绩记录.
  • 在一周内安排办公时间,以提高可用性并增加实践学习.
  • 以任何方式帮助学生进一步学习.
Technologies: Assembly, C++, C, Java

Mechanical Inspection Tool

A web application that aggregates information about car sales and allows for users to enter in data about inspections for the vehicles. 汽车销售数据来自外部API,并被拉入工具中.

The tool is written in Node.js与MySQL数据库,并利用各种框架,如typescript, docker, serverless, many AWS services (S3, Kinesis, Lambda, API Gateway, etc), terraform, etc

Pricing Tool

A web application used to manage pricing information related to shipping cars from one location to the next. 用户可以上传运营商和航线的费率, 该工具将使用这些信息计算给定汽车和路线的价格. 用户可以在任何时候重写报价. The decision logic for calculating a price quote uses existing rate information as well as historical price overrides.

The tool is written in Node.js与SQL Server数据库,并利用各种框架,如typescript, docker, serverless, many AWS services (S3, Kinesis, Lambda, API Gateway, etc), terraform, etc

Run Tracker API

跟踪用户慢跑时间的JSON REST API.

* API Users can create an account and log in.
** a user manager can CRUD only users,
* Based on the provided date and location, API将连接到外部天气API提供程序并获取运行的天气条件, and store that with each run.
*存在一个汇总平均速度的报表端点 & distance per week.
** Parenthesis are used for defining operations precedence and on any combination of the available fields.
** The supported operations are or, and, eq (equals), ne (not equals), gt (greater than), lt (lower than).

该项目是使用Java Spring Boot后端构建的, a MySQL database, and docker to spin up the modules.
Integration tests written in Ruby.


Calendar Sync

一个用于同步微软和谷歌日历的web应用程序(和控制台库). 用户可以将微软账户和谷歌账户链接起来, and the events on a calendar in the Microsoft account will copy over to a chosen calendar on the Google account.

The tool is written in Python with a MySQL database and leverages various services and frameworks such as typescript, SCSS, Flask, Jinja2, SQLAlchemy, Stripe, docker, serverless, etc

Distributed Raffle

A distributed application (DApp) used to allow anyone from across the world to play a series of raffle games. The players of the raffle play only against each other and randomness is provided by the players of the game and the miners on the Ethereum network.


Git Poller


该工具通常用作部署应用程序, 但也有通知和其他用途. The tool was developed to allow for decentralized deployments in a distributed microservice infrastructure.


Queue Service


该工具经历了许多迭代,并且具有复杂的逻辑来执行诸如缓存之类的操作, locking, re-queueing, etc.

该工具最初是用Java编写的,但被移植到c#上, and leverages various frameworks such as .NET, docker, many AWS services (S3, Kinesis, Redshift, SQS, etc), Windows Powershell, terraform, etc.

JIRA Reporting Tool

A console application used to import and manage task reporting information related to an agile team's performance metrics.

该工具是用Go Lang和PostgreSQL数据库编写的,并利用了各种AWS服务(S3, Redshift, etc).

Auth and Auth Service

用于管理用户身份验证和授权的REST API. 用户可以创建帐户,管理员可以管理这些帐户对资源的访问.


该工具是用Java编写的,使用MySQL数据库,并利用各种框架,如docker, Spring Boot, many AWS services (S3, EC2, etc), terraform, etc


TypeScript, Dart, HTML, SQL, Python, JavaScript, C#, Java, SCSS, Go, Bash, CSS, C++, Solidity, Scala, C, VHDL, Assembly, PHP, Less, Ruby


Spring, Spring Boot, NestJS, Windows PowerShell, .. NET, React Native, Hibernate, Hadoop, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Bootstrap, Angular


Node.js, jQuery, React, Vue, TensorFlow




Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Ethereum, Apache Kafka, Android, Google App Engine, iOS, AWS Lambda, PagerDuty, HubSpot, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


Amazon DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, BigTable, Cassandra


Freelancing, Back-end Development, Leadership, Software Architecture, Software Development, Consulting, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, Full-stack, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Amazon Kinesis, Front-end Development, Embedded Software, Serverless, Robot Operating System (ROS), Workflow, Architecture, Cryptocurrency, Business, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Operations, Programming, Computer Vision, Computer Security


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Git, Splunk, Jira, MATLAB, Apache Tomcat, Kafka Streams

Industry Expertise

Project Management

2012 - 2013



2011 - 2012


Duke University - Durham, NC, USA

2006 - 2011




Self-Driving Car Engineer


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