João Azuaga, Developer in Berlin, Germany
João is available for hire
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João Azuaga

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Game Developer

Berlin, Germany
Toptal Member Since
January 5, 2022

jo是一名经验丰富的游戏开发者,他已经从事游戏编程和制作4年多了. 他热衷于互动媒体和图形应用程序,并正在寻找允许他与游戏一起工作的项目, interactive apps, graphic visualizations, animations, and UI. jo的最终职业目标是创造一个可持续发展的环境,在这里他可以开发软件开发以及其他艺术和技术领域的多种技能.


SAE Institute Berlin
C#, .. NET, Unity, Git, Blender, Photoshop CS6,游戏,教育,UI开发...
C#, .. NET, Unity, Git,移动,图形用户界面(GUI),移动用户体验...
it Matters Games
Unity, C#, .NET, UX Design, UI Design, Game Design, Scripting, Bolt.js...




Preferred Environment

Windows, C#, .NET, Git, Shaders, Gameplay Development, User Interface (UI), Graphical User Interface (GUI), Unity, Unity3D

The most amazing...

...我参与过的项目有完整的沟通,但没有干扰, had set expectations realistically, and the human aspect of work has been preserved.

Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
SAE Institute Berlin
  • 为游戏编程初学者设计了完整的课程, including learning materials, lectures, exercises, assignments, and exams. 主题包括编程基础,算法,数据结构,游戏引擎和Unity.
  • Prepared lectures for art students to learn Unity. 主题包括艺术工具,管道,插件,常见的艺术任务和技术艺术.
  • Built advanced game programming students' lectures. 主题包括高级编程技术、设计模式、体系结构、项目管理.
  • Mentored students at several different levels of study. Helped with assignments, prepared exercises, reviewed lecture topics, and gave feedback on assignments and exams.
Technologies: C#, .. NET, Unity, Git, Blender, Photoshop CS6,游戏,教育,UI开发, UI Programming, Game Development, 2D Games, Unity3D, Unity2D

Lead Game Developer

2019 - PRESENT
  • Developed the core gameplay of a casual mobile game. 它由不同大小的3D物体网格组成,玩家可以操纵——在所有三个轴上移动和旋转.
  • 构建了大部分UI,包括道具目录、NPC对话框、菜单、任务和奖励.
  • 设计和开发大部分游戏进程、任务和玩家互动的角色.
  • 创建设计和实现数据结构和算法,以存储和操作所有涉及的数据.
  • 监督一个五人的团队,其中一人是兼职程序员. Organized meetings, designed round-tables, 并在整个项目中监督项目管理(其中一些角色与其他团队成员共享).
Technologies: C#, .. NET, Unity, Git,移动,图形用户界面(GUI),移动用户体验, Mobile UI, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Gameplay Development, Game Design, Games, 3D Games, Shaders, UI Development, UI Programming, Game Development, Android, 2D Games, Unity3D, Unity2D

Technical Designer

2021 - 2021
it Matters Games
  • 为宠物游戏(猫和狗)设计并执行AI行为.
  • 创造并帮助执行一些迷你游戏,过场动画以及与宠物的互动.
  • 为即将到来的基于故事的大亨游戏构建并记录多个游戏玩法系统, 包括支持叙述和工程团队,弥合设计和实现之间的差距.
  • 为即将到来的在线战斗游戏进行初步设计. Designed combat mechanics, character abilities, meta progression, team mechanics, maps, and game modes.
Technologies: Unity, C#, .NET, UX Design, UI Design, Game Design, Scripting, Bolt.js, Unity Visual Scripting, Mockups, Graphical User Interface (GUI), User Interface (UI), Gameplay Development, Git, Games, 3D Games, Game Development, 2D Games, Unity3D, Unity2D

Game Programmer

2019 - 2020
Marshmallow Fort
  • Designed the whole UX and UI flow for the mobile game, including the single-player and multiplayer modes.
  • 创建UI原型,并与美工和其他程序员密切合作执行.
  • 实现了几个GUI系统,包括核心游戏UI、菜单和玩家配置文件.
  • 整合多个第三方sdk,并设计接口将其连接到核心游戏系统.
  • 构建数据结构和通信层来存储玩家数据, profiles, save games, achievements, and more, integrating it with different services.
  • 指导并帮助工程团队进行架构和清理代码库.
Technologies: C#, .NET, Unity, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Mobile Game Development, User Interface (UI), Mobile Design, Google Play Store, SDKs, Game Design, Git, Mobile, Games, UI Development, UI Programming, Game Development, Android, 2D Games, Unity3D, Unity2D

Game Developer

2018 - 2019
Happy Tuesday
  • 构建用于生成动态时间线的自定义时间线工具. These timelines were integrated into gameplay, 玩家可以控制播放和动画参数.
  • 用IK设计并实现了一个程序动画和音频系统, look-at targets, lip-syncing, and mesh reskinning, integrating with the timeline tools mentioned above.
  • 为整个游戏创造设计并编写UI系统,动画,效果和着色器.
  • 为Oculus Gear VR头显编写了几个VR原型,运行在Android上. 这些测试范围从简单的性能基准到完全互动的游戏.
Technologies: Unity, C#, .NET, Git, Shaders, Graphical User Interface (GUI), 3D Animation, Procedural Generation, Game Design, User Interface (UI), Gameplay Development, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Games, 3D Games, UI Development, UI Programming, Game Development, Virtual Reality (VR), Oculus, Android, Unity3D

Linguistic Services Provider

2012 - 2018
  • 翻译合同、小说和非小说类书籍、应用程序、网站和手册.
  • 在多个商务和贸易会议上同时或连续进行口译.
  • Taught English and Portuguese to adults. Prepared lesson materials, exercises, and exams.

My Universe: Puppies and Kittens
A pet simulator for PC, PS4和任天堂Switch允许玩家照顾他们的宠物(狗和猫)——喂它们, clean them, and play with them in a multitude of minigames. 这也使他们能够训练宠物在特定技能上变得更好, like them more, and behave better.


My Universe: Doctors and Nurses
一款基于故事的医院游戏,适用于PC, PS4和任天堂Switch. The player can recreate both a doctor and a nurse, diagnose, 在各种小游戏和交织的故事情节中治疗和跟踪病人. They can explore the hospital and its rich set of characters, build relationships, and help them through ups and downs.

I worked as a designer on this project, 设计游戏的大致结构、叙述、若干玩法系统和小游戏.


这是一款面向Android和iOS的跳棋游戏,具有独特的艺术风格和精美的图像. 玩家可以在单人模式下对抗不同难度的ai,也可以在在线多人模式下对抗其他玩家. 多人梯和配对系统试图将玩家与具有相似技能的人进行匹配.

I worked as a developer, integrating external SDKs, 将核心游戏与云存储等第三方服务进行扩展和对接, player profiles, and achievements.


Unity, Unity3D, Unity2D, .NET


User Interface (UI), Graphical User Interface (GUI), Translation, Games, 3D Games, Education, UI Development, UI Programming, Game Development, 2D Games, Gameplay Development, Game Design, Procedural Generation, Interpretation, Linguistics, Mobile UI, Scripting, Shaders, Level Design, 3D Animation, Mobile UX, User Experience (UX), Bolt.js, Unity Visual Scripting, Mockups, Mobile Game Development, Google Play Store, SDKs, Documentation, Console Games, Virtual Reality (VR)




Git, Blender, Photoshop CS6


UI Design, Mobile Design, UX Design


Windows, Mobile, Oculus, Android

2017 - 2018

Ausbildung in Game Design

Games Academy - Berlin, Germany

2013 - 2015

Master's Degree in Translation

波尔图理工学院波尔图会计与商学院(ISCAP-IPP) -波尔图,葡萄牙

2010 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Translation

波尔图理工学院波尔图会计与商学院(ISCAP-IPP) -波尔图,葡萄牙

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